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What is "Cruise" in Steroid Use?

Cruise refers to a phase in steroid use where individuals lower their dosages to maintenance levels after a cycle of high-dose anabolic steroids, in order to allow the body to recover and restore hormonal balance. This phase is commonly done after an intense "blast" phase, which involves the use of higher doses of steroids for muscle gain. The concept of "cruise" is typically used by bodybuilders and athletes who cycle anabolic steroids and is seen as a period of hormonal stabilization before potentially going back to higher doses or entering a post-cycle therapy (PCT) phase.

In this article, we will discuss the concept of cruise in steroid use, its purpose, how it works, and the potential benefits and risks.

What is Cruise?

In the context of anabolic steroid use, cruise refers to a phase where an individual reduces their steroid dosage to a lower, "maintenance" level, typically after a high-dose cycle (blast). During this period, users aim to maintain their muscle gains while minimizing potential side effects associated with high steroid dosages. Cruise is essentially a way to give the body a break while maintaining a level of performance and muscle mass.

  • Blast Phase (High Doses): During this phase, an individual uses higher doses of steroids to maximize muscle growth, typically over 6-12 weeks. However, prolonged use of high doses can suppress the body’s natural testosterone production.

  • Cruise Phase: Following the blast, the cruise phase is used to stabilize hormone levels, minimize side effects, and avoid shutting down the body's natural testosterone production completely.

The Purpose of Cruise

The main objective of the cruise phase is to help restore the body's natural testosterone levels while still maintaining some of the benefits of steroid use. Here are the key purposes:

  1. Restore Natural Testosterone Production: Steroid use, especially at high doses, can suppress the body's natural testosterone production. The cruise phase is designed to stabilize testosterone levels by lowering the dosage of steroids, preventing complete suppression, and allowing for a gradual recovery.

  2. Minimize Side Effects: High doses of anabolic steroids can lead to numerous side effects such as excessive estrogen production, heart problems, liver strain, and psychological changes. The cruise phase, which involves lower doses, helps mitigate these risks by reducing the strain on the body.

  3. Maintain Gains: After an intense cycle (blast), users often experience significant muscle growth. The cruise phase helps in maintaining these gains while reducing the risks associated with long-term, high-dose steroid use.

  4. Prepare for Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT): After the cruise phase, individuals may enter a post-cycle therapy phase (PCT) to help restore normal testosterone production. The cruise phase acts as a transition between a blast phase and PCT.

How Does Cruise Work?

Cruise typically involves the use of low-dose testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), which provides the body with a stable level of testosterone without overwhelming the system. The goal is to maintain some anabolic activity while avoiding the extreme highs and lows that come with higher steroid doses.

  1. Testosterone Enanthate or Cypionate:

    • Testosterone Enanthate or Testosterone Cypionate are commonly used for cruise. These long-acting testosterone esters are administered in lower doses, typically 100-200 mg per week, to maintain baseline testosterone levels without excessively suppressing natural production.

  2. Lower Dosage:The dosage during the cruise phase is significantly lower than during the blast phase. Instead of using high doses that stimulate rapid muscle growth, the goal during cruise is to maintain stable testosterone levels, usually at about a therapeutic dose (i.e., a TRT level).

  3. Duration of Cruise: The cruise phase typically lasts between 8-12 weeks, although some individuals may opt to extend this period. The duration of cruise can vary depending on the individual’s goals and how long they want to stay in a maintenance phase before starting another blast cycle or proceeding with PCT.

  4. Monitoring Hormone Levels: During cruise, users typically monitor their testosterone and other hormone levels to ensure that the dosage is sufficient to keep testosterone levels in the normal range. This is crucial for preventing hormonal imbalances and ensuring the body’s overall health.

Benefits of the Cruise Phase

  1. Hormonal Stabilization: The cruise phase helps the body to restore a more balanced hormonal environment. By using lower doses of testosterone, users avoid total suppression of natural testosterone production, which can help to prevent drastic fluctuations when transitioning into PCT.

  2. Reduced Side Effects: High-dose steroid cycles can lead to a variety of side effects, including excess water retention, gynecomastia (male breast enlargement), and cardiovascular issues. By reducing the dosage during the cruise, many of these side effects can be minimized.

  3. Maintain Muscle Gains: While the cruise phase is not aimed at significant muscle growth, it helps users to preserve the gains made during the blast phase. Lower doses allow users to maintain a steady state of muscle mass without excessive strain on the body.

  4. Transition to PCT: After the cruise phase, users are often ready to transition into post-cycle therapy (PCT), where they work to restore natural hormone production. The cruise phase serves as a bridge between a high-dose steroid cycle and PCT.

Potential Risks and Side Effects of the Cruise Phase

  1. Testosterone Imbalance: While the goal of the cruise is to maintain balanced testosterone levels, improper dosing or too long of a cruise phase can still lead to hormonal imbalances. This could affect mood, energy levels, and overall well-being.

  2. Cardiovascular Strain: Long-term use of testosterone, even in lower doses, may still have an impact on heart health. It's important to monitor cardiovascular health regularly.

  3. Liver Stress: While lower doses of testosterone are less taxing on the liver compared to oral steroids, there is still some risk of liver strain with prolonged use. Regular liver function tests are recommended.

  4. Psychological Effects: Some users may still experience psychological effects, such as irritability or mood swings, even during the cruise phase. This is due to fluctuations in hormone levels.


Cruise in steroid use is a strategy to maintain muscle mass and hormonal balance after a high-dose steroid cycle, without overwhelming the body. By reducing the dosage of steroids during the cruise phase, users can avoid excessive suppression of natural testosterone, reduce side effects, and prepare for post-cycle therapy (PCT). While the cruise phase offers several benefits, including stabilizing hormone levels and minimizing side effects, it’s important to carefully monitor hormone levels and health throughout the process. As always, any steroid-related protocol should be done under the supervision of a healthcare professional to ensure safety and effectiveness.

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